
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Are you cereal?

This has been a very long, very stressful week. I would have spoken with you all a while ago, but as soon as I got home I was going to sleep.

Where to begin, where to begin? We'll start at last Friday, I suppose. I am taking an ASL course at my college, and as part of the course you have to attend one Silent Dinner. A Silent Dinner is basically where the local deaf community gets together and socializes. It's really great because you can sit with them and learn about deaf culture, and strengthen your signing. Before going to the dinner I agreed to meet with my friend and shop for a couple new scarves. While shopping we ran into one of her friends. This girl was talking about how sick she had been and how miserable she is and blah blah blah. My friend asked what was wrong and the girl goes "Oh, I'm five months pregnant." We congratulated her, and the girl told us not to because she was very angry about the whole situation. Apparently she decided to sleep with a random friend, without any protection, and wound up pregnant. She continued to tell us about how much she didn't want this baby and how they refer to it as Satan... SATAN! How is it that people like THIS are the ones who get pregnant?! I don't get it! It took everything for me not to blow up on this girl. When she finally left I began crying, in the middle of the mall, because of some stupid girl and this insane jealousy. I don't cry in public, hell, I rarely cry in front of DH, so I was even madder at myself! Needless to say, bad night.

All this week I've been taking a course to become a doula. If you don't know what a doula is, she is a labor and/or postpartum assistant. She offers support, answers questions, keeps you as comfortable as possible and helps to ensure your wishes are met. I really suggest everyone get one when we finally jump this infertility hurdle! You can go to DONA for more info :o) The classes are twelve hours a day for five days. It might not sound like a lot of training, but believe you me, you learn a LOT. I would come home and immediately fall asleep haha So, I am now a trained doula, I just need to finish some things in order to be certified. I have to write six papers, assist with three births, assist with three postpartum clients with a minimum of eight hours each, get twelve good evaluations from parents and medical staff, and have six references. Haha It's a long process but I can't wait! My only fear is that it's going to make everything hurt more. I'm going to be surrounded by pregnant women and newborns... I'm going to be jealous and it is going to be hard, but this is something I really want to do... So, please keep me in your prayers!

The final thing that has just made this a bit of a sucky week... I awoke this morning to learn that AF decided to show up. Happy holidays, right? I mean, I wasn't holding my breath, I'm tired of holding my breath, but still... I think each period gets harder and harder to handle... Well, bring on Clomid round 5! ...Hugs?

Monday, November 29, 2010


I got the wonderful smiley face of awesomeness on CD17 :o) Timing was pretty good too! Bding happened the day before, the day of, and the day after. All of our bases have been thoroughly covered, and the 2ww begins! So, if it takes, we should know by the 13th! Please keep your fingers crossed for us! <3

Friday, November 26, 2010


My husband informed me this morning that Dr. Reed called THREE days ago. They found the results and everything is normal. I'm annoyed with DH for not telling me right away. Maybe it's the fact that he is male... All I know is I would have called him right away! Bleh. 

Everything is normal... As strange as it might sound, I'm a little upset by this... I think part of me was hoping DH played some part in this so that I wouldn't feel so guilty about everything. If there were to be something on his part I feel like there would be a little more we could do... I don't know... This just kind of left me in a spot where I know that this is all on me. It's my fault we can't get pregnant, and there is nothing we can do right now. It's the same old song and dance, take pills, get tests done, baby dance, and wait. Three months until I can get into Portsmouth, and then it's the same thing again. It's mildly depressing... CD 16, and no ovulation yet. I'm hoping it happens tonight, and I am praying to no end that this is the month. I know there are people who have tried for so much longer, and I know that there are people who have dealt with so much more crap on this stupid infertility rollercoaster, and so I really shouldn't be complaining. But dammit! This is the worst thing I've ever dealt with and I'm ready for it to be over. 

I feel like it's never going to happen, and with every month it seems less and less likely that it will happen. Every time I turn around someone else is pregnant, someone else is having a baby shower, someone else is asking me to hold their baby, someone freaking else is telling me it'll happen when we want it badly enough. Because, of course! I OBVIOUSLY just don't want a  baby badly enough. The way people look at it is that since there is nothing physically wrong, it must be a mental thing. People piss me off and I want them to shut up. 

I hate holidays.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Did I hear someone ask for an update?

Well, that's too bad because I don't have much of one for you. I know, I know, a riot will surely ensue! ;o) I swear it's not my fault though! I went to the doctor, where I was SUPPOSED to find out if DH is making suitable little guys and where I was SUPPOSED to find out if things were normal with the HSG. However, I guess medical facilities have decided otherwise. Dr. Reed was unable to give any sort of instruction or results because our results have managed to disappear. I was livid! DH and I went to two separate medical facilities, and BOTH managed to lose our stuff! The radiology department at Langley tried saying I went to Portsmouth, which is not true. I drove my happy butt to the Langley radiology department TWICE for this damn test! I know good and well where I got the test done. THEN they tried claiming I must not have gone! As for DH's results, they just don't know where it is. Awesome.

How is it that things like this ALWAYS happen to me?

That all went down on Thursday, and Dr. Reed said she would call me as soon as they figured out what happened. It's Monday, and still no call. Woot. She did, however, put in a referral to the Portsmouth hospital for me to see a fertility specialist there. Apparently they can do more for me there than Dr. Reed can do for me here. Unfortunately, there is like a three month waiting list to get you initial appointment. At that appointment you go through the whole workup, blood, HSG, and semen analysis. If they could actually find our results we wouldn't have to go through all of that, we could get down to the good stuff! The lovely Dr. Reed then informed me that Portsmouth would probably start me on injectables and timed intercourse... Then she said something amazing... "At Portsmouth Tricare will completely cover IUI." I kid you not, my jaw dropped! Apparently Portsmouth is a military training facility, so if I let them use me as a guinea pig they will completely cover the procedure! I swear I heard the Hallelujah Chorus at that very second! She also informed me that out near D.C. Walter Reid will do IVF for between 3000$ and 5000$! Still, not anywhere NEAR in our budget, but it's better than the normal price!

So, that's about it! Don't trust medical facilities with your x-rays or your hubby's sperm, three month wait for new doctor, and free IUI. I'm not sure if I should feel thrilled or annoyed...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Aww DH is cute

So I got in touch with my doctor the day after my last post, so I suppose I owe you an update. Dr. Reed basically told me she couldn't give me any instructions until after my appointment because she didn't have DH's results. Unfortunately my appointment with her isn't until tomorrow, which is cd 8. If I go in tomorrow and turns out DH is fine, then we would have missed a month of trying. I see no point in that, so I called in a refill on my clomid and started taking that on cd 5. I figure, it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Mostly I just refuse to possibly let a month go to waste.

She continued to explain that at the appointment we're going to discuss a good deal of things, Our agenda will include the million gallons of blood they removed from me, the HSG results, and the results of the semen analysis. She says that if DH's results come back abnormal she will probably refer us to an infertility specialist. If not, we will continue clomid until we've tried it for six cycles, at which point we will be referred to a fertility specialist. I asked about injections and she told me that Langley is unable to provide those. She would have to refer me to Portsmouth Naval Hospital if we decided to go that route. Apparently they are the only hospital that offers all the ultrasounds I would need. I'll be honest, I don't understand that, because I have had two ultrasounds here at Langley... Either way, fine. I will gladly drive an hour almost daily to get shots and the like. At this point I would probably do just about anything if it means a baby will end up in my uterus!

Oh! As a side note DH and I were talking about how I wanted him to go to the appointment with me. He said he was going to try but he might be called in to the tower blah blah blah :o) I asked if he wanted me to call him if it turned out he made no sperm, and he laughed at me! According to him he obviously has sperm. Why does he assume this, you ask? Because it's white. ^_^ Ahhhh his absolute certainty was cute :o) I filled him in on the fact that it doesn't work like that. He now wants a call as soon as I find out if he isn't there. Hahahaha

Did anyone else's hubby get this big surprise?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

16 dpo

Since I last updated, here is a summary of my days. BFN, BFN, BFN, BFN. Also, AF showed up today, so that is the final confirmation. I was really upset on 14 dpo, but I've been okay since then. We've been waiting this long, what's another month... or however many months we have left. Crying, moping, and thinking how unfair it is isn't going to make anything better. I'm glad AF is here, because now we can get started on this next cycle.

I called my doctor's office on 14 dpo... Tuesday? (As a side note, I think it's hilarious how I never know what day of the week I did something, but I sure as hell know which day in my cycle it was!) I have an appointment for next Thursday, and we are going to discuss all the tests, and what she thinks we should do now. As of today, DH did his semen analysis, and I'm really hoping those results are in by Thursday. It would just be nice to have everything in so we can get the whole picture. I also went ahead and called Dr. Reed's line to ask her what she wants me to do in the mean time. I would just wait until the appointment, but that is on cd 7. If she wants me to do another round of Clomid, I need to start that by cd 5. So, time is of the essence! I would tell you what she said for me to do, except she didn't answer her phone, because it's Veterans Day, and she's military... Hopefully I'll get a call tomorrow. When she does call I am going to ask if there's anything we can do that is a little more aggressive. Foxy suggested progesterone, which is something we haven't tried yet, so, maybe we can move to that. Or injections! I know I hate shots, and I know that it is usually for IUI or IVF, but at this point I really don't care! I just want to get knocked up!

Let's pull out the big guns!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I lied

I tested again today and yet another bfn. I said I wasn't going to let myself feel really down about it until like 16 dpo... I lied. I bawled today because by 12 dpo so many women have at least a faint bfp. I've been using ept digitals, and so I thought maybe it was super faint and the test just couldn't read it. So, I pried that damn test apart completely sure I'd see a faint second line on the test strip. Nope. Besides the control line, the damn strip was as white as winter snow.

Besides that, every "symptom" I was sure I had is gone. I feel great, and that has me so sad. At this point I just know I'm not pregnant. I'll test again at 14 dpo, just to be sure, but I honestly don't think it will be positive. As much as I said I wasn't getting my hopes up, I completely was. I mean, how can you not? It just feels like I have hit a wall, and there is no getting beyond it. After about two and a half years, it just feels like it is never going to happen.

So, I cried and my house is now spotless... I guess there is always next cycle...

There, I'm done whining.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Slowest Week Evar.

9dpo and this morning produced another bfn. Like I said, I'm keeping my chin up for now. Granted, I'm not letting my hopes get too high, and I've quit referring to myself as the Sacred Vessel (i.e. "DH run the dishwasher, I'm a Sacred Vessel and I'm too busy baking the cupcake!" has turned into "DH, please run the dishwasher because I am a Sacred Vessel that's probably not too sacred, and I am busy filling the vessel with eggnog and you loooooove me!"). Precautions, precautions. ^_^

I do have some maybe good news though! Today during class while I was completely absorbed in cognitive development during middle childhood... or doodling in my notebook trying not to fall asleep, I was jolted to attention by the sudden appearance of cramps. They were nothing major, just obviously not comfortable, and not exactly expected. Since then they come and go and are just kind of dull and achy. This is so surprising because it is a rare rare occurrence when I cramp. In the eight years that I have dealt with AF, I've cramped only a couple of times. Also, the day that Miss O showed up, and the day after, I cramped. So, this has just been the cycle of cramping! Now, I'm not positive about how many women experience implantation cramping, nor am I positive when exactly it occurs (don't look at me funny! I told you, I don't cramp and therefore I have had no reason to research such things!), but I think it's safe to say that 9 dpo is a good possibility! Right? Well, either way, I am keeping my fingers crossed!

On to less exciting news! Still sick, have a speech to present tomorrow morning that I have barely worked on, exhausted, and probably not sleeping tonight.

Oh yeah! Life Rocks!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm going to kick this cold in the face.


I took my first hpt for this cycle today, and it was a bfn. I'm not upset, I expected it. It's only 8 dpo, so I figured it was a long shot. I probably won't be upset about a bfn until around 16 dpo or so. By that point I will be calling the doctor to figure out what we do from here. Since Aunt Flo never knows when she wants to show up, I figure Dr. Reed (the amazing) will be more likely to know how long to wait it out than me. I just don't want to wait five months waiting for AF to show up before we take the next step.

I'm still sick, but I'm getting better. The congestion is slowly clearing up and the sore throat is completely gone. However the cough, nausea and exhaustion has yet to go away. Blehh. Slowly but surely, slowly but surely.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November!

Am I the only one who cannot believe it's already November?! This year has just passed so quickly!

I got back from my trip early this morning (aka 1 a.m.) and slept until noon thirty. I got up for class, decided to skip my second class, came home and slept again. I feel like I've been hit by a train! I've finally convinced myself that this is all due to whatever is going around. Nausea, fatigue, and coughing, oh my! It's just really awful timing!

I have, however, decided to buy Dollar Store tests tomorrow and begin the testing frenzy! Only 7 dpo, you say? Early, you say? Yes, I know, but this girl wants to know as soon as testably readable!

Eh, so it's throwing money down the drain. When the doctor prescribed OPK's they created a poas junkie! Don't judge! <3

Now, for bed again.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Losing my mind

So, I know I should really quit looking on Google, and I should really quit analyzing every little thing my body does, but I can't! 1-2 dpo I was crampy. 3-4 dpo sore throat and stuffy nose. 4 dpo mildy queasy and teary eyed.

I know 1-2 dpo was just ovulation cramping, and I know 3-4 dpo are probably just me getting sick... The teary eyed I'm going to equate to the fact that I'm out of town and away from DH and I miss him... I just want this so badly that I want to look at everything my body does and scream PREGNANT! I'm tying so hard not to get my hopes up though... Two and a half years of negative tests really put a damper on your hopes. I'm afraid to get excited and really get my hopes up because deep down I know I'm just going to get another stark white test of failure. Part of me wants to buy Dollar Store tests and start testing by 7 dpo, but the other part doesn't even want to think about testing.

What do you ladies do to qualm your fears and anxieties during your 2ww?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

And it begins

The 2ww officially starts today! Miraculously DH's PT test was cancelled, so he had more than enough energy for bding :o) That plus the +OPK, and the "just to be safe" bding tonight means I should know in about two weeks. We're on day one and I'm already antsy! Oh dear! Prepare for neuroticism at its best!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What has two thumbs and a positive OPK?

THIS GIRL! I just took the test a little bit ago, and squealed when I saw that beautiful little smiley face! I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am! This is the first time I have ever had a positive OPK, and it feel amazing! So, this means the Clomid worked! I am praying that with help from the HSG this will be the month!

 The best smiley face evar!

CD17 +OPK 10/26/10

The only problem is that DH, being in the military, had a PT test today. So, basically he got to do a pretty strenuous workout, and I'm sure he is going to be exhausted when he gets home... When I took the test last night he said we would bd and he would just have to deal with the PT test. I'm sure we'll still bd tonight, I just feel kind of bad because my body chose a sucky day. What have you ladies done when DH was exhausted? Did you wait for the next day? Did he suck it up?

Either way, I am walking on sunshine right now!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ovulation, anyone?

We're on CD16, and still no sign of Miss O. However, I think the second line was a little darker today... That or yesterday's picture was just too blurry. Thoughts?

CD15 OPK 10/24/10

CD16 OPK 10/25/10

I had my little cryfest because, dammit, you're supposed to ovulate between CD14 and CD16... Or at least that's what I have read freaking everywhere! I did a little more research today, and saw that on Clomid it can happen 5-9 days after the last pill. Since I took it for CD 5-9, I have another two days. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

I found out today that Tricare doesn't cover IUI or IVF. It covers the medication, but not the procedure... I mean, the medication being covered is AWESOME, but we would still have to cover around 9000$... I just don't see us being able to do that, so I am counting on this to work with pills alone... So, since nothing has happened yet, I'm getting nervous. 

It'll be okay though, right? We still have two days I'll still cross my fingers for this cycle. If the Clomid doesn't work, then maybe they will up the dose again and that will do the trick. Or maybe they'll give me one of the injections (I can't remember what they're called) that are supposed to help with the whole situation.

Either way, I'm trying to keep my chin up. Something has got to work, I just have to give it more time.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I managed to not upload pictures from my phone, so now I'm confused as to which OPK picture goes with which day, so I'm going to start fresh tomorrow. Sorry!

To those of you who have had an HSG, about how long does it take for the last bits of the dye to come out? I have the test done on Tuesday, and I'm still noticing small amounts.

It's CD14, and no ovulation yet. The second line was as faint as it was on CD10, so I'm really worried that I'm not going to ovulate again... I haven't ovulated yet using Clomid, and they doubled my dose this time, but the evil "what if" syndrome is kicking in. What if I don't ovulate on this dose of Clomid? What if there is something wrong with DH too? What if our insurance caps out? What if they can't fix us? What if what if what if?

I began panicking a little today... I'm so afraid that it's going to end with us not being able to have kids, with or without medical intervention. This whole situation weighs on my mind daily for most of the day. I feel broken and like less of a woman. I mean, what kind of wife am I if I can't even give my husband a child? I'm trying so hard to keep a cheerful face, but I feel like I'm going to crack every time I see a pregnant lady or a newborn. My friend's little girl is turning one in the next couple months... I was so sure that our kids would be just months apart... I was so sure we were going to have babies before everyone we knew. We got married, we waited a little bit! I feel like maybe this is God's way at getting back at me for feeling so sure of us. Maybe I did something wrong along the way. Then I begin analyzing myself. What am I doing wrong now? I'm overweight, I love caffeine, I forget to take my prenatal vitamin, I'm on non-fertility related medications... I start blaming every little thing that isn't perfect in my life for our fertility problems. And then I just sit back and wonder if maybe it's nothing I've done, nothing that can be fixed, and maybe I'm just broken. As simple as that. The plumbing is messed up, they don't know why, and that's just it. I think it's easier to find something in my life to blame. If I can blame it, I can fix it... I don't like the idea of there being nothing we can do... It's scary.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Dear members of society,

As an infertile there are several things you should not say to me. Saying of these things will get you punched in the ovaries, or other sexual organs.

1. "Just relax!"
Yes! Because THAT will be the magical cure! How in the hell have I overlooked that?! Wait, better question! why didn't anything happen in the beginning when relaxing was all we were doing?!

2. "You're still young!"
Please, do tell that to my deteriorating ovaries! As soon as they hear that they'll totally chill out!

3. "Go on vacation!"
See number one.

4. "Just enjoy yourself!"
Oh, believe you me, we are enjoying ourselves! The act is fun! It's the end result... or lack thereof, that sucks. So, with that in mind, your theory fails. Unless you meant...

5. "You're so lucky you don't have kids!"
Go fuck yourself. Seriously. I know you might think your children are a pain in the ass, but I would kill for them. Count your blessings. Ass.

6. "I have a friend's sister's cousin's friend's mom who (just quit trying, did twenty back handsprings, ate this herb, stood on her head, etc) and got pregnant right away! Maybe you should try it!"
Wow! This individual is now my role model. I will immediately try you long list of Google Med School remedies (that I've probably already tried) and that will solve every problem!

7. "Things could be worse!"
Wow. Way to invalidate my feelings! For me, this is "worse," so shut up.

8. "Just leave it in God's hands!"
God gave us science and initiative for a reason.

Now, if you actually want to say or do something that will actually help, read on!

1. Just listen. That means more than almost anything!

2. Give me a hug. This hurts more than you could possibly imagine.

3. Hand me a tissue. Looking at me awkwardly when I start crying after yet another BFN just makes me feel stupid.

4. Send me a card. It lets me know you understand and care.

5. Understand if I'm a little bitchy. They are pumping me full of LOTS of hormones, it happens.

6. Say a prayer for me. One more never hurts!

Well, that about sums up my rant.



Thursday, October 21, 2010

CD11 OPK 10/20/10


The last couple of days have been bad. Like, if my days had arms they would be extending their arms and giving me the biggest bird they could manage.

First, DH was supposed to go for a semen analysis yesterday, which definitely didn't happen. First he left the cup he was supposed to use inside my car. This would be fine, if he were driving my car to the place, but he wasn't. So then I had to leave class to give him the cup because he insisted on changing out of his uniform. PLUS he had to look up directions, because heaven forbid he find directions BEFORE the appointment! Then, half way to his appointment he calls to say he'll be late, and they tell him not to come. Strike one.

Next, I come home from class to news that DH might be deploying. Strike two.

We're on day three of needing to bd every other day, and DH won't touch me. STRIKE MOTHER EFFING THREE!

DH and I have had this issue for a while... I've gained weight, and therefore DH isn't always super ready to bd. I understood not doing anything on day one, he had to save the little guys up for the test. Day two he just wasn't feeling it, but promised that we'd get kicking the next day. Today he's tired. Tired? Effing tired? I'M FUCKING TIRED! I'm tired of taking pills! I'm tired of having blood drawn! I'm tired of having things shoved inside of me! I'M TIRED OF SHOWING MY LADY BUSINESS TO EVERYONE IN A WHITE COAT! All he has to do is have sex with me! He makes it seem like a chore, like it's the worst thing in the world to have to see me naked for a little while. No wonder we can't get pregnant! You have to have sex to get pregnant! It's just... It's wearing me thin... I'm starting to resent him, and I don't want that. I love him with all of my heart, but I need to feel like I don't repulse him. We both want this baby with every fiber of our beings, but it just isn't going to happen if we can't get past this stupid road block.

I'm ready to rip my hair out in chunks. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You know you're TTC when...

- The Big 'O' no longer refers to orgasm, but instead to ovulation

- You show everyone who will look at your bbt charts

- Every twinge is a potential sign: ovulation pain OR perhaps implantation

- It no longer strikes you as the least bit odd to check out at the pharmacy with both HPTs and tampons in your cart.

- You schedule your social events around your ovulation day

- If your OPK comes up +, you cancel all social engagements that night so you can BD & lie with your legs elevated and butt up in the air afterwards

- You talk using mysterious acronymns that only your ttc buddies understand: ttc, BD, ewcm, bbt, opk, 2ww

- Your morning motto is: "Don't talk to me until I've taken my temperature"

- You take your temperature more than once a day (committed TTCer)

- You refuse to finish decorating that 3rd bedroom in your new house, because you can't stand the thought of getting it just the way you want it only to have to tear it apart next month in order to make room for the nursery you'll be needing.

- You put off buying any fall/winter clothes, because you hope they won't fit by the time the weather gets cooler.

- You clip coupons for OPKs and HPTs

- Your doctor says, "Now take these home and inject this needle into your stomach every day" and you don't even flinch.

- You spend more on OPKs, HPTs, and fertility supplements than you do on clothes

- The thought of nausea makes your heart skip a beat!

- You make a mental note of what day of your cycle it is before you say "ok" to a drink

- You get sick but make sure you can take the medicine in case you are pregnant...and would rather stay sick if you can't take the medicine..

- You finally look forward to mornings! Another opportunity to take and record your temp!

- You refer (and think) of your husband, not as his real name, but as the letters "DH" in real life

- You suffer silently from Infertility Vision (IV) - defined as the ability to see pink lines that nobody else can see. It's a very common condition among POASers during the days leading up to the official test day. Research is still being done, but at present there is no cure for it!

 You actually understand the following sentence: “It’s CD 12 and I just got a positive on an OPK, so DH and I are going to BD tonight which will then bring on the 2WW and hopefully at the end, when I use my HPT to POAS I’ll get a BFP!”

This made me smile :o)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

CD 10 and Fun Filled Activities

Today is cycle day 10! Woot! I finished my increased dose of Clomid (100mg cd 5-9) yesterday, which means the hormonal monster should be gone for a little while. My last dose was 50mg cd 3-7 and for the most part, it was so much worse! I wasn't very moody, but I was nauseas, had terrible acne, gained weight, had hot flashes, it was awful! This time however, I was tired and moody as all hell! DH was a little afraid. Was anyone else like that?

Being cd 10, I got to return to the hospital for more labs! Yeah! I think I'm starting to look like a junkie ;o) On the positive side, they only had to stick me once! That's a record for me! True, the phlebotomist had to use the needle made for babies, but she did it in one shot! Take that stubborn veins!

After lab work I went and checked into radiology. My doctor prescribed an HSG this cycle... If you don't know what that is, I'll a quick explanation. A hysterosalpingogram, or HSG, is an x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes. What they do is sit you on an exam table and prepare like they would a pap smear. They then insert a catheter into your uterus and inject a dye.They then take a couple x-rays, have you tilt in a couple different directions, take some more x-rays, and then you're done. They want the dye to shoot out of your fallopian tubes, because that means there are no blockages. This also shows the shape of the uterus and fallopian tubes. They advise you to take an ibuprofen before the appointment because the procedure is painful. This is great unless you forget to take the pill. At that point you are laying on an exam table with a tube in your uterus gritting your teeth because it HURTS. It's nine hours later, and I still hurt. I used to think I wanted to give birth with no epidural... I might change my mind.

After the procedure the radiologist showed me the pictures and said everything looks fine. He says there looks to be a small abnormality in one of my fallopian tubes, but it didn't block anything. He said that since there was no blockage it shouldn't cause any type of problem. Additionally, he told me that women who have this procedure done experience a 30% increase in fertility for that cycle! THIRTY PERCENT! I will GLADLY take some uterine discomfort for a 30% increase! I'll be honest, I really have my hopes up for this cycle!

OPK CD 10 10/19/2010

The Beginning

Hello world! Yes, I know, another ttc blog floating around in cyberspace! I won't promise to be original, or even entertaining. I will, however, promise to be honest and keep you updated on our journey.

Now, for introductions! I am a 21 year old, Muslim, Air Force wife. I like to refer to myself as the Home Front Director of Operations... It sounds so much snazzier than housewife. I am studying to be a music teacher and will be transferring to a university with an amazing program next semester.

I have been diagnosed with unknown infertility, which is frustrating to say the least. Lately I have lived lab department of the hospital. It's joyous, I assure you, although I'm sure many of you understand the feeling! We just finished round three of Clomid and are praying this is the month! DH goes for a semen analysis tomorrow, and I must admit, I'm kind of glad he gets to go do stuff instead of me!

Well, that's a nice, small intro. Enjoy!